Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Conj

The Conj

I'm finally recovering from the first Clojure Conj conference, held last week in Durham, NC.

What a terrific conference! That's not personal boasting, as I did little more than show up. Thanks so much to everyone who worked so hard to make it great - the Clojure/core team and the folks at Relevance, the speakers, and sponsors. They put it together in a short amount of time and did a great job. Special appreciation for the "three A's", the men on the ground - Alan Dipert, Alex Warr and Andrew Collins.

Thanks also to all the attendees for bringing that helpful, friendly optimism that is the Clojure community into meatspace, where it was, once again, quite evidently special.

I really enjoyed meeting everyone. All the in-depth discussions left me both depleted and full of ideas. What more could you want?


1 comment:

Craig Andera said...

It truly was "awesome". :)