Friday, October 16, 2009

Clojure is Two!

It's hard to believe that another year has passed since I first released Clojure, now 2 years ago!

As with the first year, it's been a thrilling ride, with phenomenal growth. Some highlights (in no particular order, and omitting much, I'm sure):

  • New features underway for post 1.1
  • Clojure-in-Clojure
  • Parallel algorithms based upon latest ForkJoin
  • A viable CLR port, thanks to David Miller
  • At least five-fold increase in users and contributors (22,000+ messages from 2600+ list members, 90+ registered contributors)

It is clear that Clojure is taking off, and I attribute that to the fantastic community that has sprung up around it. Everyone continues to be supportive and friendly, and that matters quite a bit to newcomers who need help. It was great to hop on the #clojure irc this morning to find old hands chouser, cgrand and 170 others chatting away.

It takes much more than just the core language to make a language successful, and I want to thank everyone for your continued effort, support, suggestions, donations and patches. You are what makes Clojure great - find some cake and celebrate!



looselytyped said...


Congratulations! I am relatively new to Clojure and am just reading Stuart's book along with the many tutorials, presentations, and of course

Thank you for a very nice language, and your pragmatic approach to bring Lisp to the JVM.

I wish you the very best, and I hope to be along for the ride for a long time ;-)

sysprv said...

Hey Rich, I can't thank you enough for Clojure. As a middleware sysadmin, Clojure helps me stay sane. Hope to see a book about Clojure written by you. All the best!

Attila Szegedi said...

Congratulations, Rich. The results so far are already really impressive, yet I wish this to be only the start of a *very* long journey

tibu said...

Add to the list of blogs my new one ...

It's only 4 weeks old, so have some patience with it :)

Mark Beihoffer said...

I am pressed for time as always, but I've followed the project for quite some time and hope to be able to contribute something in 2010.

- Mark Beihoffer
(a.k.a. Jack Merlot, Perlmonks - Dragonfly)

k said...

Thanks for such a wonderful language!

kink said...

> Stu Halloway's terrific book, and more books on the way

I hope this is a joke. Calling a book such as this "terrific" is doing a disservice to good books everywhere. The book read like a language documentation, and the main reason people are purchasing it is that the clojure documentations are so terribly organized.

Here's to hoping a better clojure book comes out. This great language is hindered by the lack of a decent book.

Dan said...

kink, I disagree.

I found the book to be a great way to learn Clojure, being a nice mix between tutorial and reference. Its straight to the point and doesn't waste time on basic programming concepts, assuming that you already know how to program.
Its not a book for people new to programming, but for people new to Clojure.